Genèse d’une liquidation programmée

Genèse d’une liquidation programmée Alerte à toutes les organisations non gouvernementales des droits humains, aux organismes internationaux et sous régionaux et aux pays du monde libre. IRA informe que le pouvoir en place en République Islamique de Mauritanie, a entamé un processus de harcèlement contre le président d’IRA et député à l’Assemblée nationale de Mauritanie...

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Turkmenistan has sent a humanitarian aid to Afghanistan by DL

Turkmenistan has sent a humanitarian aid to Afghanistan Today, on December 14, a humanitarian cargo of food, textile and household goods, as well as oil products was delivered from Turkmenistan to neighboring Afghanistan. As is known, during the extended meeting of the Government on December 10 of this year, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has...

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Reflections upon the U.S. democracy summit by RJP &MF

Reflections upon the U.S. democracy summit by RJP &MF On 9 and 10 December, President Biden will host the first of two Summits for Democracy, which will bring together leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle through collective action what the United States considers the greatest threats...

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Dans un train en route vers Boukhara, en Ouzbékistan: entrevue par Marit Fosse

Dans un train en route vers Boukhara, en Ouzbékistan: entrevue par Marit Fosse Dans un train en route vers Boukhara, en Ouzbékistan, on lie connaissance avec Mr Ilhom Yabarboyev. Il était en route pour rentrer à la maison après avoir traversé le pays en long et en large pendant 15 jours avec ses clients. Mr...

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Comprendre le Cours D’ÉCR par Frankhanta

COMPRENDRE LE COURS D’ÉCR par Frankhanta Parmi toutes les matières enseignées dans les écoles québécoises aux niveaux primaire et secondaire, il y a un cours qui faisait souvent l’actualité même bien avant sa parution et jusqu’à maintenant. La preuve en est bien grande, le Parti Québécois l’avait accusé comme s’il faisait la propagande des stéréotypes et...

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Lobbying Activities Favouring the Russian Federation by Gabriel Dupont

Lobbying Activities Favouring the Russian Federation by Gabriel Dupont  Continuing the topic of the unreliability of information in the declaration of the European deputy from France T. Mariani, regarding flights to the Russian Federation and Crimea. T. Mariani actively hides his financial ties with the Russian Federation and denies that any third-party commercial structures have...

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Voyage en Xinjiang par Maxime Vivas

Voyage en Xinjiang par Maxime Vivas Je suis allé au Xinjiang en 2016 avec 40 journalistes de 20 nationalités diverses. J’y suis retourné en 2018. J’ai parcouru cette région en avion, en minibus. Nous avons visité de grandes villes comme Urumqi, Shihizi, Kashgar, des villages. Au cours de ces deux voyages, j’ai vu des exploitations...

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An international publicity campaign to counteract opposition to a “one-man rule” in Haiti

An international publicity campaign to counteract opposition to a “one-man rule” in Haiti HAPPENNINGS! By Raymond Alcide Joseph Will the international campaign started on December 10 through the Washington Times, in a story signed by Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, accomplish the desired effect of getting Haiti’s Western allies on board, as he expands his “one-man...

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Launching of the book “Promoting peace, human rights and dialogue among civilizations” in Jeddah

Launching of the book “Promoting peace, human rights and dialogue among civilizations” in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia by H.E. Mr. David Fernández Puyana, Ambassador and Permanent Observer of the UN University for Peace to the United Nations Office at Geneva and UNESCO in Paris In the context of the UN 100 Years of Multilateralism,  75 Years...

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Irish Struggle for Freedom : Landmark Events

Irish Struggle for Freedom : Landmark Events Ireland was inhabited by Celts from about the sixth century B.C. English invasions began in the twelfth century under Henry II, although the whole of Ireland was not conquered until the time of the Tudors. Revolts against English rule had led to English and Scottish families being settled...

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